Community Acupuncture Etiquette 

CQA encourages a quiet, relaxed, casual but professional atmosphere.  We kindly ask that you respect the treatment environment by adhering to the following Etiquette:


  • Face masks are available upon request & will be worn by the practitioner if you wish & request so. Please wear a mask if you are sick & let us know in advance.

  • Keep voices low

  • Turn off your cell phone upon entering the treatment room and do not answer calls inside the treatment room

  • Wear your shoes throughout the treatment space

  • Roll up your sleeves and pants legs & remove your socks & shoes

  • Please remain clothed while receiving your treatment. We may need for you to change your clothing due to clothing restrictions or provide a blanket for draping.  We will let you know! 

  • You are welcome to bring earplugs, blankets, music or guided meditations to be used with headphones or other items that might facilitate your treatment

  • Refrain from wearing scented perfumes or body products